Hop August Sunday Crafternoons – 2-5pm Every Sunday in August

The noise has been getting a little louder for us to bring back Sunday Arvo Music at The Cally.  So we would like to introduce our new baby “Crafternoons” featuring Live Music and Craft Beer.  Just like our craft beers on tap the music will be full sound with plenty of flavour.. they all have a real drum kit.  If you add in a classic pub meal before the gig then… I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my Sunday Afternoons.    Our first week features  some local talent with the Louie Clancey Band kicking us off at 2pm on Sunday August 3rd.  To keep up to date with everything that is going on visit our facebook site.

Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/TheCallyHotel/events?key=events

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